This example shows how to download the image of a Flotr graph. This possibility isn't available with Internet Explorer though.
A graph can be downloaded or converted as PNG, JPEG or BMP.
Finished? Go to the example index page or the Flotr Documentation Pages.
var f;
* Wait till dom's finished loading.
document.observe('dom:loaded', function(){
var d1 = [];
var d2 = [];
var d3 = [];
var d4 = [];
var d5 = [];
for(var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 0.1){
d1.push([i, 4 + Math.pow(i,1.5)]);
d2.push([i, Math.pow(i,3)]);
d3.push([i, i*5+3*Math.sin(i*4)]);
d4.push([i, i]);
if( i.toFixed(1)%1 == 0 ){
d5.push([i, 2*i]);
* Draw the graph.
f = Flotr.draw(
{data:d1, label:'y = 4 + x^(1.5)', lines:{fill:true}},
{data:d2, label:'y = x^3', yaxis:2},
{data:d3, label:'y = 5x + 3sin(4x)'},
{data:d4, label:'y = x'},
{data:d5, label:'y = 2x', lines: {show: true}, points: {show: true}}
title: 'Download Image Example',
subtitle: 'You can save me as an image',
noTicks: 7, // Display 7 ticks.
tickFormatter: function(n){ return '('+n+')'; }, // => displays tick values between brackets.
min: 1, // => part of the series is not displayed.
max: 7.5, // => part of the series is not displayed.
labelsAngle: 45,
title: 'x Axis'
ticks: [[0, "Lower"], 10, 20, 30, [40, "Upper"]],
max: 40,
title: 'y = f(x)'
y2axis:{color:'#FF0000', max: 500, title: 'y = x^3'},
verticalLines: false,
backgroundColor: 'white'
HtmlText: false,
legend: {
position: 'nw'
if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
var form = $(document.forms['image-download']);
form.disable().insert({top: "Your browser doesn't allow you to use this feature, sorry :(